Ecuador has historically established itself as one of the world’s leading flower exporters, thanks to its privileged location, which allows it to produce high quality flowers throughout the year. This sector is not only an important engine for the country’s economy, but also generates employment and contributes to the development of local communities.

This February 2025, Ecuador has had a historical record in the export of flowers with 28,779 tons of flowers exported, with a growth of 8.7% compared to 2024 which was 24,466 tons shipped in the same season, where the main destinations were the cargo hubs in the United States and Europe, from where the flowers are distributed to their final destinations.

These historical records were reached thanks to 534 outbound flights, an increase of 9.6% over the previous year. Grupo Transoceánica participated in 47% (251 flights) with the two airlines it represents.

In addition to its economic importance, the Ecuadorian flower industry has a significant social and environmental impact. It generates employment for thousands of people, especially in rural areas, and contributes to the development of local communities. In addition, many flower companies are implementing sustainable practices to protect the environment and ensure the sustainability of flower production.

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